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12/26/2019 Market Recap

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12/26/2019 Market Recap

Post by Cobra »

After double black bar (indicating a pause) bulls resumed up again with decent bull body today so should still some up rooms until the next reversal like bar appears. Wow, this bull is on fire... :o

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Re: 12/26/2019 Market Recap

Post by Cobra »


Was prudent not calling an uptrend day, good. Didn't see the near close sudden surge up, must be either some news or a bear fund exploded (this case would be bad news for bulls as it means no bears left to kill, bulls are now no longer needed).


Good - was prudent not calling an uptrend day until the last possible minute (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3799&p=275962#p275962). It's just lucky because I had no imagination that the market could go up huge from here. Trading a crazy bull market requires nothing but imagination.

Right but hard to trade because the pullback was too large - Called the pullback should be bought here (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3799&p=275965#p275965). By here it's finally clear to me that it's not an uptrend day.

Reminded the ema long setup here (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3799&p=275968#p275968).

A subtle way saying told you the pullback would be bought and I'm still awake (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3799&p=275969#p275969).

Very strong close so gap up tomorrow? But I doubt whether the gap could hold because I don't have the imagination.

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  • My blah blah about how the market would go in the next dozens of minutes everyday in this forum, is a way to force me to focus on the market, because by speaking loud, if the prediction is wrong, I'd be embarrassed, which of course I'd like to avoid as much as possible.
  • Day trading is not my strongest point. Just for the same pattern, it can repeat frequently on the 5 min chart while on daily chart it may take months to appear once and another month to know whether the idea of trading such a pattern is right or wrong THIS time, so practicing on the 5 min chart is a fastest way to learn to trade.
  • Day trading inevitably would have good days and bad days, it's a part of the game. If I always have good days, it means I'm either lying or already the richest person in the world (then why I'm still trading?), so please don't blame me for making any bad calls. The log is for myself only, not meant to be followed.

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