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Breakout of the consolidation range then kiss the breakout point goodbye then resume up, so the breakout likely is for real.
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Like to read more of my commentaries? Please subscribe my Daily Market Report. Subscribers can find all the members only posts HERE. StockCharts members, please vote for me HERE, thanks.
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Measured move down, probably targeting the yesterday's low.
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Nvidia and Microsoft are playing the same old cooking the books game we have seen so many times in the past. This quarter the results confirm that Nvidia management is running their old game plan. Interesting that Blackstone is loaning billions to the Nvidia subsidiary Coreweave (run by former Enron guy) secured by processor chips. They are accused of running a CRE secured loan Ponzi fund. Since Nvidia earnings was supposed to be the cherry on top for the new bull market I am thinking the top very well could be in for the summer. We will know in a week or two.
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Volatility (VIX) options expiring, then more options expiring as we head into next week. Point being the market makers will be loosing their short term grip. In the mean time we are filling in the volume profile.
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Generally I won't believe it's a double top here but let's see.
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Trades w 2 Cats wrote: ↑Thu May 23, 2024 11:58 am
ES 06-24 (20 Minute) 2024_05_23 (8_55_14 AM).png
Volatility (VIX) options expiring, then more options expiring as we head into next week. Point being the market makers will be loosing their short term grip. In the mean time we are filling in the volume profile.
Look at the recent first LL, the HV area and LV of those two days, we are going no where with poor high, today's high can mark the excess, time and price auction completed? down from here? I need to see a clear LL to say we will head back to fill all the poor auction vacuum left behind
My comments are for entertainment/educational purpose only. NOT a trade advice.
Thinking the same thing, unfinished business. There is that Keynesian quote about markets staying irrational longer than you have capital to invest. But it does look like the Ponzi capital is pulling the surplus out of the market.
The Nvidia pin bar at the top certainly could be the capitulation of this run but it just never seems to turn out so neatly.
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