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breakout. looks strong enough so hopefully this time the morning gap won't be faded AGAIN which has been the pattern recently. trend (either up or down) day possible today.
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Like to read more of my commentaries? Please subscribe my Daily Market Report. Subscribers can find all the members only posts HERE. StockCharts members, please vote for me HERE, thanks.
Bulls are serious, I hope we got trend day either way. With new HH today bearish scenario is out of the window, buy dips to continue on trend following.
My comments are for entertainment/educational purpose only. NOT a trade advice.
Strange thing was the big delay between the news release of the Chinese credit flood and the market reaction well after the fact and in Europe for the big drive up. Wondering if this will be yet another night move that goes flat in the light of day.
Really ugly looking overnight volume profile. Bid Ask delta is at 16,000. Yesterday was close to zero. So either asn overnight squeeze or a bull exhaustion if we don't get a trend up follow through.
ZeroHedge has an in depth look at Wells Fargo earnings report. If you are familar with banking terms you would be very worried about their future profits.
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Twitter feed saying the PBoC credit impulse (the number at 1:30 AM central that set off the gap up) was over 1 trillion US or equal to 10% of GDP. By most any standard that is absolute and total panic seeing an upcoming economic collapse on the part of the PBoC.
I do not have the equivalent number from the US sub prime crisis, but I assume it was similar.